chernobylkidsadmin's blog

Our Sponsors

Cliff & 
Connie McClain    
Petaluma Host Lions Club    
ProTransport 1           

Michelle Maries    

Company Registration in Thailand


One Family's Experience

I'd like to blame it all on Irma Bombeck. It is her fault that my children are giddy with anticipation as my husband and I wait nervously for the arrival of a child at a San Francisco Airport terminal. In her poem "If I Had My Life to Live Over," Bombeck wrote: "I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded." In my family's case, the carpet is stained and the sofa faded, but we have invited a child we have never met and know nothing about to become a member of our family for six weeks.


Learning Russian

Russian is the most geographically widespread language of Eurasia, the most widely spoken of the Slavic languages, and the largest native language in Europe. Russian belongs to the family of Indo-European languages and is one of three (or, according to some authorities, four) living members of the East Slavic languages, the others being Belarusian and Ukrainian (and possibly Rusyn, often considered a dialect of Ukrainian).


Need to help your child call home (Ukraine)?

    2009 Summer Visit Schedule     
Our 2009 summer visit calendar is filling in, please keep checking back each week for updates. If you have any questions please contact us          
Date    Event    Notes


For Host Families

2009 Summer Visit Schedule     
Our 2009 summer visit calendar is filling in, please keep checking back each week for updates. If you have any questions please contact us          
Date    Event    Notes


How can you help?

The Chernobyl Children's Project relies upon the generous support of corporations and individuals just like you. Perhaps you are aware of a friend or neighbor who has participated in the CCP's efforts. In fact, we hope someone you know -- either an employee, colleague, or friend -- referred this Web site to you because their family hosted a child. If that is the case, then they can tell you more eloquently than written words what the experience meant to them.


CCP Event Photos, Videos and Slideshows: Photos from Summer 2005

It is truly amazing how much activity can be packed into a six-week summertime visit! Click the photo thumbnails below to view the image.
This gallery is just a small sample of the photos CCP host families have taken during the Belarusian children's visits.


CCP Event Photos, Videos and Slideshows: Photo Slideshow from Summer 2006

Junior Ambassadors Annika Erickson and Meaghan McMahon put together a fantastic slideshow presentation of photos taken from the 2006 visit.
When you click "View the Show" the slideshow will open in a new window.


CCP Event Photos, Videos and Slideshows: Video clips from 2006 CCP Talent Show

Every year the CCP host familes come together to put on a talent show. The following song is performed by four Belarussian children.
Watch the Video Now


CCP Event Photos, Videos and Slideshows: Lions Club Presentation, July 2007

In July, CCP Junior Ambassadors Annika Erickson and Meaghan McMahon spoke to the Petaluma Host Lions Club about CCP.
Watch the Video Now   (requires windows media player)



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